Kowhai Blenheim
Kowhai Blenheim is currently being serviced by Kowhai Canterbury which is owned by Kieran Fahy (pictured above).
Kieran, who grew up in Ireland, has been working in the painting and decorating trade since he finished school at 17. With a lifelong love for the industry, Kieran eventually started his own business ‘Flawless Finishes’, which he ran for over two and a half years before setting off to travel the world.
Kieran eventually settled in Christchurch and, together with his new business partner Ian, launched Flawless Finishes, providing expert painting, and decorating services to the Canterbury Region.
In 2017 they took on the Kowhai Franchise for Christchurch South later expanding to cover all of Christchurch. In 2022 they again expanded their operation to cover Blenheim operation and now run multiple teams of highly qualified roof spray painters and apprentices ensuring that all their roofing projects get the time, care and the attention they deserve to deliver an outstanding roof transformation.
Good processes and team safety have also contributed to their success and you’ll find scaffolding or edge protection installed on every job. In addition to that, all of their crew is required to complete Asbestos Awareness Training to ensure the personal safety of their clients, their team, and everyone who is in proximity to the jobsite.
While Kieran is remains focused on roof restorations, his continued passion for painting and decorating saw him invited onto the board of Master Painters NZ on 2021.
Before & After
Examples of our work from across our network. Click on photos to enlarge.

Recoated in Ironsand

Recoated in Charcoal

Recoated in Charcoal

Recoated in Ironsand